Cause for the Canonization of 

Servant of God 

Demetrius Gallitzin

"Apostle of the Alleghenies"




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2006 Prince Gallitzin Cross Award Recipient

George G. Pisula is pastoral council president at Saints Casimir and Emerich Parish in Johnstown , and was nominated to be honored by Conventual Franciscan Father Anthony F. Spilka, pastor.  A native son of the former Saint Casimir Parish, and a graduate of the parochial school, he was active there as sacristan and catechist, and actively assisted in the merger of Saint Casimir Parish with the former Saint Emerich Parish.  He has served on the task force investigating the future of the parishes in Johnstown ’s Cambria City neighborhood.  Mr. Pisula is chairman of the parish’s liturgy and worship committee, and has served on the Diocesan Liturgical Commission.  Father Spilka calls Mr. Pisula “a real action person . . .  a real pillar of the church.”

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