Cause for the Canonization of 

Servant of God 

Demetrius Gallitzin

"Apostle of the Alleghenies"




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2006 Prince Gallitzin Cross Award Recipient

Dr. Louis and Elfrieda Persic of Good Shepherd Parish in State College “have continually demonstrated a rich faith life,” said Father Philip Bender, pastor.  Since the founding of the parish in 1989, Dr. and Mrs. Persic have involved themselves in all aspects of parish life, both individually and as a couple.  “Their leadership, spirituality and service are outstanding,” says Father Bender, who notes they been particularly active in the parish’s twinning relationship with Holy Spirit Parish in Maggotty, Diocese of Mandeville, Jamaica .  “Lou and Freddie exhibit a deep humility and love for their community, not much different from the example of Prince Gallitzin himself,” said Father Bender, adding “Prince Gallitzin, missionary to the Alleghenies, would be proud of what they do in the parish, in the community and in the missions.”

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