Cause for the Canonization of 

Servant of God 

Demetrius Gallitzin

"Apostle of the Alleghenies"




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2006 Prince Gallitzin Cross Award Recipient

Frederick and Lucinda Gailey are members of Basilica of Saint Michael the Archangel Parish in Loretto, and were nominated by Monsignor Timothy Swope, rector, and by parishioners Richard and Barbara Bender.  Married for 27 years, the Gaileys have raised four children in a faith - filled home.  Monsignor Swope calls them “excellent parishioners” and commends them for their work in setting up the summertime Masses at the Shrine of Our Lady of the Alleghenies on the Basilica grounds.  The Benders call Mr. and Mrs. Gailey “perfect examples of what a devoted Catholic couple should be like.”  Mr. Gailey is past Grand Knight of Our Lady of Loretto Council 11196 of the Knights of Columbus, and initiated the pre - dawn rosary at the Shrine, assisted by his wife.  Mrs. Gailey has organized a parish tribute to members serving in the military.  They are described as “devoted to their family, their parish family, the Blessed Mother and our local diocesan shrines.”

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