Cause for the Canonization of 

Servant of God 

Demetrius Gallitzin

"Apostle of the Alleghenies"




Who was Demetrius Gallitzin?

Catholic Register - Biographical Sketch

Intercessory  Prayer

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Prince Gallitzin Cross Awards


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2006 Prince Gallitzin Cross Award Recipient

Deacon Thomas E. Boldin of Saint John the Evangelist Parish, Bellefonte.  Described as “a very active and involved person in bringing the presence of Jesus to the lives of others,” by Father Neil Dadey, pastor, who nominated him for the award, Deacon Boldin has been active as a catechist for both First Communicants and Confirmation candidates, has trained altar servers, and with his wife Shirley and a group of lay persons formed a youth group for students in grades 6 - 8.  In the spirit of the Reverend Prince he assists at all weekend liturgies, preaching on a regular basis, conducting devotions and ministers to the homebound.  He shares Father Gallitzin’s evangelizing spirit through his ministry at the Penitentiary at Rockview where he is in charge of the spiritual formation of the inmates.  “Tom is a great guy,” says Father Dadey, “just ask anyone at the parish.”
