Cause for the Canonization of 

Servant of God 

Demetrius Gallitzin

"Apostle of the Alleghenies"




Who was Demetrius Gallitzin?

Catholic Register - Biographical Sketch

Intercessory  Prayer

Report Favors

Help Fund the Cause

Prince Gallitzin Cross Awards


Places to Visit

Books, Letters and Articles

Other Resources

How is one declared a saint?



Rope Bed

This rope bed which belonged to Prince Gallitzin was sold at auction after his death in 1840.  It was purchased by Valentine Cramer of Portage and was stored in his house through three generations, namely Margaret Cramer, Helen Klein, and Robert Yetsko.  It was returned to this Chapel House at 1956 at the request of Robert and Barbara Yetsko.

Coverlet Used by Father Gallitzin

Donated by Miss Annie Z. Demond, Saint Bartholomew's Parish, Wilmore, Pennsylvania, in the name of the descendents pf Patrick and Mary (Parrish) Storm.



