was Demetrius Gallitzin?
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Prince In the Service of The Great King
The Catholic Register - August 18,
In a new series of articles, Betty Seymour, serving
with her husband, Frank, as postular of the Cause for the Canonization of the
Servant of God Demetrius Augustine Gallitzin, explains the evidence for the
"heroic virtues" of the Prince-Priest.
Father Thomas Heyden of Bedford remains one of the
most important witnessess to the heroic virtues and holy life of the
Prince-Priest Father Demetrius Augustine Gallitzin. In his writings about
his mentor, Father Hayden noted these insights into the motivations that
inspired the life and ministry of Father Gallitzin:
 | Father Gallitzin
was deeply impressed with the conviction that it was by Colonization- by
forming Catholic settlements, that the Church was best propagated and rooted
in this country.
 | A
spiritual empire- a Catholic colony of vast
dimensions was the bright vision that dazzled his ardent imagination and
filled his whole soul.
 | His was not a spirit that buckled at opposition
to what he perceived to be heaven’s design.
 | The report of his extraordinary sacrifices for
consciences’ sake, soon awakened public attention and numbers flocked from
all parts to place themselves under his spiritual standard. They were
generally penniless, friendless, houseless, but they ever found in the
expansive charity of the generous Gallitzin, a welcome and a home.
 | His saint models were Charles Borromeo, Francis
de Sales, Vincent de Paul and Mary. Gallitzin was distinguished for
his lively and tender devotion to Mary.
 | All in Father Gallitzin's
congregation were equal in God – no rich or poor, no distinctions; he
promoted the spiritual and temporal welfare of his flock and guarded them
from contagion of the world (vain fashions, customs that spread in towns and
 | He was noble, majestic and reverential at
His flock loved him.
 | During his entire life, he condemned riches and
all goods of this earth, and employed them only for purposes of God’s
glory and his neighbor’s good, so in death did he prove himself a most
consistent follower of Him, “who became poor that we might be rich”.
 | Gallitzin’s life was an example of
transcendent triumph of divine grace… The life of the departed righteous
is the perpetual and priceless legacy they bequeath to us. |
Second only to Father Hayden as a witness to
Father Gallitzin's heroic virtues is the testimony of the priest who was
associated with the Prince-Priest in the closing years of his ministry, Father
Peter Henry Lemcke.
Father Lemcke was born at Rhena in the Duchy of
July 27, 1796
and died at
November 28, 1882
. His father was a magistrate and his mother was the daughter of the Lutheran
school teacher. He ran away from home at the age of 14 and enrolled at a school
. At a young age he became a volunteer in the War of Liberation, serving
against Napoleon from 1813 to 1815; he was at the battle of
. Leaving the army, he became a Lutheran preacher in 1819. By 1824, upon
the influence of a few Catholics, he converted to Catholicism and was received
into the Church with Baptism and Confirmation. He was ordained
April 11, 1825
at the age of 30.
In 1834, after reading a letter from Bishop
Francis Patrick Kenrick, then coadjutor of
, asking for German priests for his diocese Lemcke decided to go to
. After a few months in
as an assistant at Holy Trinity, Lemcke gained permission to go to the mission
country in western
. His restlessness and impulsiveness remained throughout his long,
eventful and fruitful life. Aside from his work as assistant to Father
Gallitzin and the writing of a biography of his mentor in 1861, Lemcke was
instrumental in developing a “sister-mission” to Loretto at Carrolltown.. In
addition, he was singularly responsible for bringing the Benedictines to this
country…first to Carrolltown and
St. Vincent
’s) and later to